Here's a quick rundown of what's happened so far. Friday we went to a play. Saturday we saw a ballet. Sunday was Easter. Monday was Connor's seventh birthday, and we took a trip to the zoo. Tuesday Connor got double pinkeye and then had a 45 minute long seizure and we ended up in the emergency room. Wednesday morning we had Ellen's physical therapy evaluation and then were off to the doctor, where we discovered one of Connor's ears was completely blocked with earwax and that he had the beginnings of aspiration pneumonia. And today I woke up sick. So Connor and I are currently miserably sharing couch space while Ellen, who is perfectly fine, plays on the iPad. Yes, she's home right now. Did I mention that it's spring break?
So yeah. We've been a bit busy.
My strategy going into spring break was Keep The Children Occupied So They Won't Have Time To Freak Out About There Not Being School. Both my kids are just slightly routine oriented. But frankly I think we've gone overboard; I'd rather things slow down a bit now. Like that nine hours in the ER thing? We totally could have skipped that.
I am forever thankful for the wonderful people out there who get our family-- who instinctively understand how to interact with my children, me and Jer and offer help, encouragement and compassion without making them or me feel patronized or set apart. And I must admit that there are times I take those things for granted-- we have so many places in our little town that we can go where the kids are accepted without so much as a blink.
I won't deny that it's been a rough week. But I'm glad that it reminded me just what a wonderful community we're able to live in here. Sometimes I forget just how fortunate we really are, that I am able to take small kindnesses for granted now and it takes extraordinary circumstances for me to realize just how amazing people can be.
I'm so sorry about the illness and the seizure, but am so happy to read this post. What an unplanned Spring Break!
Wow what a blessing to be in such an accepting and people helping place. Oh how much Mr. Connor has grown. sg-KS
Hi Jess
My husband and I also internationally adopted an older child with special needs. We brought home Lillian Jessica Chen M.....(our last name)[born Lian Jiang Chen]on July 6,2010 when she was 8. Lillian has a moderatly severe hearing loss in both ears, and Global Devolpmental Delays. She is in a part time inclusion class at the local elementary school(they are in one room for the morning with the entire class and then break up with aides based on what grade they are in and go to one of that grade's classroms for lunch and the afternoon)Lillian is in 5th grade. We are perparing for middle school next year where she will be part of a similar arrangement(in special ed for english,math,gym and therapy out of it for science, social studies and other humanites)She also gets ESL ounce a week in school as well as speech, PT, and OT each twice a week. It has been a blessing "watching" "Ellen" grow into your family. In addtion we also have a 20 year old son with Down Syndrome.Noah lives at home and partipates in the local ARC dayhab- supported employment program. Him and Lillian has a very close bond even though they are 9 years apart.
Time to enable the spam filter. Sorry you've had a rough week, and I hope Connor doesn't try that stunt again any time soon. I think back on before you moved when you were first encountering your previous school district -- and things did not bode well. I'm so glad you landed where you are, in a school district and a community that offer so much support.
Time to enable the spam filter. Sorry you've had a rough week, and I hope Connor doesn't try that stunt again any time soon. I think back on before you moved when you were first encountering your previous school district -- and things did not bode well. I'm so glad you landed where you are, in a school district and a community that offer so much support.
Sounds like a lovely place to live. Can I move there - like yesterday??!!
I hope Connor is feeling better - pinkeye is no fun. Also, love his snazzy Easter bow tie.
I can't wait until you can share Ellen photos on your blog! She seems like such a cool kid!
Hope everything is OK- I miss your posts! (long time reader/lurker)
Wow -- how did your blog get so many spammy comments? It's been a month since you've posted. I sure miss reading about Connor and Ellen. I hope everyone's okay and you're all just super busy. I hope spring has finally come to your part of the world and you're enjoying the nice weather.
I have been wondering about you... I hope you are just busy. The spam here is a shame.
Hi Jess... I hope you are just busy. I really miss your updates. The spam here is a shame, like invasive weeds in a loved garden. Wishing you and your family well.
are you still alive? You haven't blogged in a really long time? Or did all the spam comments scare you away? (hope not!!)
Hi Jess,
I have followed your blog for a couple of years now... I've been worried with no post for over a month... I hope everything is all right.
Just wanted you to know there are people out here hoping and praying everything is okay for you and your family.
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