The cats weren't originally sure what to make of Connor's new equipment, but Cricket finally figured it out. Apparently Connor's wheelchair is actually a new cat tower for her.
Silly me. I should have known this was the real reason we needed a wheelchair.
We took it the stroller base out yesterday for our first trip to the store to see how it would handle. This thing is great! It turns like a dream and is surprisingly easy to maneuver around tight areas. The only problem is that once you get it in the trunk, nothing else is going to fit in there. Oh well-- we'll get a wheelchair adapted car someday to solve that problem-- but hopefully no time in the near future.
I'm trying to figure out now (because I'm ridiculous and I worry about this sort of stuff) what we would do if we ended up adopting another wheelchair-bound kid. Hopefully the other kid would be able to push her wheelchair herself, but we are going to have NO room in the car. Oh well. Something we don't even remotely have to think about any time in the next two years, but I'm crazy like that.
On a totally different topic-- Happy MLK day, everyone!
Now that Connor's got new wheels, we'll have to go out for a stroll.
Beautful family! I understand the craziness of the househould. My husband and I have 3 kids - two who have severe chronic medical problems ( I liver disease and I kidney disease). These kids are an inspiration. :)
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