Saturday, February 21, 2009

When Life Hands You Lemons....

Ellen over at To The Max has gifted me with the Lemonade Award! Thanks Ellen! I'll pass this on to some of the bloggers I follow with infallible spirits and doggedly upbeat attitudes:

Princess Abigail (and her Mama) at The Bernard Bunch
Ashley's Mom at Pipecleaner Dreams
Now there's a bunch of ladies that know what to do with lemons!


skeybunny said...


Thanks for the "Lemonade"--I'll be sure to pass it on!

I really liked your post about Connor's chromosome problem. That was a great way to simplify the explanation of a really complicated genetic concept.

Unfortunately, getting a "short" name for your child's syndrome doesn't necessarily make explaining it any easier. Evan has CHARGE syndrome,which is much easier to say than "he has a mutation in the CHD7 gene" (at the moment I'm drawing a blank on which chromosome the gene is on). But because the vast majority of people have never heard of CHARGE Syndrome either, I still usually end up launching in to a long explanation of the issues it causes to avoid the whole "eye glazing" you have spoken of. And even with the explanation, there is still a fair amount of eye glazing...

May I add Connor to our Friends link list?


Anonymous said...

Jess~ Thank you so much for the award. I hope to make some money with it. Do you think anyone will pay me $0.50? LOL. Thank you! You deserve the award as well!

Ellen Seidman said...

You are welcome! I'm going to go check out the blogs you awarded.

Princess Abigail said...

Hey! Thank you so much! Abigail (and her Mama) LOVE getting awards! And this one is particularly spinky!!!

What a cool pair of dudes you both are!!!

All our snogs
Alison and Abigail

Kara said...

Thank you so much! My very first award.... we can only hope that I won't let it go to my head!

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