This afternoon Jer and I left Connor with Joanna again and took off on another date! We decided to see a movie and hoped to see Avatar in 3-D, but met with a few obstacles. Unfortunately there's only one movie theater near our area that's fully accessible, and the only times for the 3-D showing at the theater were outside our respite time. I briefly considered forcing Jer to go see New Moon with me, but we ended up going to see Avatar in the regular theater instead. It was good, if somewhat predictable.
We came out of the theater (which is located inside a mall) and were just about to go outside to the car when two policemen raced around the corner and ran out the doors towards the parking lot going full speed, reaching for their weapons at the same time.
We decided maybe it would be a good idea to walk around the mall.
So after twenty minutes or so we moseyed out to the car (no policemen in sight-- who knows what that was all about) and then stopped to pick up some food. Connor was just going down for bed when we got home.
He's been "going to bed" now for about three hours. The little guy took a late nap today, had an exciting afternoon with Joanna, and as a result he's decided he will never, ever go to sleep.
New Moon....
Yes, I know it will be abosolutely terrible. That's kind of why I want to see it. If it's worse than the first one (and it probably is) than I can enjoy myself making fun of it. But I can't do that until I've seen it, can I?
Now, if only I could get them to make a movie out of Robin McKinley's book Sunshine. THERE's a vampire story I'd like to see on screen.
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