Saturday, January 7, 2012

In Which Connor Is A Sickikin Again

Well, Connor lasted all of a week and a half before getting sick again; he started running a fever this morning and by the time he went to bed he'd had four seizures and was throwing up at the drop of a hat.  I guess all of his friends brought their holiday bugs to school and shared them with the rest of the class.

So that was fun and exciting.  I spent some time at the pharmacy this morning and escaped for a little bit of shopping in the evening after Jer got home from the gym, but otherwise I was pretty much a comfortable pillow for the little guy. 

So I passed the time by making another felt pincushion.  Because what the heck, you can't have too many pincushions.  I used a crème brûlée cup I found at the thrift store for fifty cents as the base, and while there are some things I'd do differently next time I think that overall it turned out pretty cute.  It feels really weird for me to do a project that I can actually complete in one day-- I'm used to them dragging on for weeks.  Anyway, I have some other little cups and whatnot, so I might experiment with more pincushions sometime if I want to do a short project. 

I'm probably going to be doing quite a bit of sitting around over the next few days, so I might as well be productive while I'm at it.


1 comment:

txmoabite said...

Very cute!
Hope little guy's healthy again soon...

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