Anyway, he's been telling me that he wouldn't know what to write about, but I finally wore him down to the point that he agreed to do a Q&A session as that would give him some subject matter to start from. So here's your chance: do you have a question for Jeremy? You can leave the questions in the comment section or e-mail them to me and next Saturday he'll answer them. If there are a lot of questions maybe I can get him to commit to doing this a couple of Saturdays in a row. With a few notable exceptions (Robert Rummel-Hudson comes to mind) there aren't a whole lot of blogging dads of children with special needs out there. There are even fewer who are (hopefully temporarily) disabled themselves. And as an added bonus, he's even more sarcastic than I am!
He says to warn you though that if you ask any touchy-feely metaphysical questions, he will "start making crap up." This is because he is a guy. Otherwise I think pretty much anything is fair game.
So come out of the shadows, all you lurkers, and ask away!
Which are best? Bears, Velociraptors, or Tanks?
Are you horde or alliance?
We hear very little about the military's role in your recovery, the renovation of the house etc.. Are you still on active duty? Will you be able to remain in , or do you even want to? What kind of support do you get from them? Yes, I know, it's more than one question, but it's all on the same topic.
Jer would be in good company with these guys.
Both Mom and Dad blog at Kintropy and sometimes they go for long periods silent. But they live in Seattle and are a really nice family to get to know. Been reading them for over two years.
Ken is roughly sarcastic.
I almost can't read dad-bloggers and am very picky about who I do.
What is your favorite book? What is your favorite book to read to Connor? There are a lot of opportunities for moms to connect and share with other moms of kids with special needs, but dads often seem to be left out of the mix. Do dads have a need to connect with other dads?
Dammit, Mary stole my question.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
1) How do you really *feel* about life? What does the color blue make you think of? How many unicorns can fit on the head of a pin? [I'm curious to see what kind of crap he makes up.]
2) What were your thoughts when you first realized the extent of your injuries? [Okay, still might be too touchy-feely, or at least too personal, but this one I'm actually serious about. If it's off-limits, pretend I didn't ask.]
3) What can you tell us about Jess as a mother that she wouldn't tell us herself?
Have you played Valkyrie Profile yet? How is it?
I think you meant "ostensibly" instead of ostentatiously? Gosh I'm such a brat.
(1) Do you miss your old roomie Wilcox?
(2) Why did Stephen never date in college? Was he not good enough for the girls or the girls weren't good enough for him? Hehehe.
Though now it will bother me forever because I didn't catch it. Oh well.
What server are you on?
for both of you where r the medical mondays LOL
i think i should do a thing a letter a week about charge like u used to do wat do u think
Do you and Connor have races in your wheelchairs? I bet he kicks your a**.
If your remote control could be hooked up to only one thing in the whole world, what would you choose?
What happened to your hedgehog?
Was Afghanistan what you expected? If you were given the 'all clear' health wise, do you feel like you'd WANT to go back?
Given current circumstances, what are you hoping will be your next career steps?
What's your favorite way to spend time with Connor?
Will you be acquiring Diablo III, upon its release?
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