They brought him in at about 3:00 in the afternoon through the ER, and we sat in there until about 8:00, when they did x-rays and a CT scan. He got up to a room about 9:00 in the evening, and I just left him. Connor can't spend the night at the hospital (and I'm not sure how restful that would be for Jer anyway) so we'll be traveling back up bright and early tomorrow morning to make it for rounds.
Jer's not quite ready for pictures, so I've posted this lovely photo of the little guy dressed in his ridiculous sterile gown for visiting. Apparently Jeremy's blood cultures haven't come back yet and he's supposed to be on Limited Contact status, but they didn't decide this until four hours after he'd come in. Before then, no one was even using gloves, and then about 6:00 in the evening all of the sudden everyone started suiting up. I had of course thoroughly kissed him by then, so I will be quarantining myself and Connor until we figure out whether or not we're going to come down with some sort of Afghan Death Flu or whatever. That would be fun.
Anyway, I saw Jeremy's injuries when they took off the bandages to have a look at what they were going to be working with. They were . . . impressive. If chicks dig scars, then I'm going to be beating them off of him with a stick in a few months. Back off, ladies; I got him first.
They'll be doing another dressing change in the Operating Room tomorrow morning, and hopefully by then we'll have a better idea of exactly what all his injuries are.
I'm off to sleep now, as I'll be getting up at about 4:30 in the morning tomorrow to make it there by rounds at 6:00, and I'm pretty exhausted.
I'm so, so glad he's home.
My heart and prayers go out to all three of you...I can't imagine the emotions you are feeling right now, and will pray that everything falls into place as it should.
I'm so glad he's home where you can see for yourself what all is going on. Half of the battle is knowing what you're dealing with. in your case, that may be 75% of the battle, with all that you do once you get your hands on information! :) I know you're relieved to see Jeremy. Sill keeping you three in your thoughts and prayers!
Just took a deep breath. You know the kind - after holding it while I read the post. !!!!!
Hope you got enough rest - helps your immune system fight-off afginiflu.
I have a scar on one of my heels, from childhood. Didn't do anything for attracting men. Sigh.
Oh, and I am REALLY HAPPY that he is home! Y'all are in my prayers, as are all warriors defending our country.
PS What kind of medical professional are you?
I'll bet there was no feeling like holding him in your arms, safe, last night. Just to know he is alive and HOME! :) My heart sings for you all today.
May the treatment and healing begin!
Yay!! So happy he made it home! Things will be looking up from here on out!
I've never heard of anyone having a fetish for foot injuries/scars, but I'm not going to Google it for fear of what I'll find. {{shudders}}
What a relief to know that he's home-and that he has YOU to advocate for him!!! I'm sure that seeing you and Connor (and receiving all those kisses) is very healing.
Thank you for the update.
So glad he's home!!!
HOME never sounded so good.
Continued thoughts and prayers coming your way...
Yee-haw! And scars rock. Neil has a dandy all across his tum from major abdominal surgery a couple of years ago. Definitely a chick attractor.
How's Connor handling all the excitement?
That is wonderful news. So glad you got to see him and love on him! I bet he was so excited to see you both.
Coming out of the lurking shadows to say that I am so happy to hear that he is home and safe! Keeping you all in my thoughts as you begin the road to recovery
That's GREAT news! What a whirlwind of emotions you have been through. Thank goodness he's home now and you finally got to kiss him!
That is so great to hear! I'm so happy for you and Connor that Jer is home! That picture of Connor is too funny... Please let me know if you need anything! (Connor is getting big!!! :D )
I'm so glad he finally made it home, and I must say your sense of humor in all this is incredible. I wouldn't expect anything less. Y'all take care.
Oh, he is home. We've all been waiting for this post- I can't imagine the roller coaster you've been on for the past week or so.
I love that picture of Connor- his sweet little face must have been a welcome sight to his daddy.
So glad your family has finally been reunited. Know that you are still in our thoughts and prayers.
Oh, happy reunion. Still with you as you work your way through all this.
So glad to hear that Jeremy is finally home, or at least nearby! I hope his operations and healing progress as quickly and smoothly as possible. You are so brave (or maybe just really curious?) to take a close look at those injuries. Have you always had a natural fascination with medical conditions and anatomy, or is it entirely forced learning? I always enjoyed your Medical Mondays. If I overheard you talking with medical staff, I would also guess that you were one of them!
I just recently stumbled across your blog and wanted to let you know that...although you don't know me, I am praying for you and your family! My son has profound bliateral hearing loss, that is how I found you...blog digging :) Your family is an inspiration and I am so happy that you are all together again. I look forward to keeping up with your progress and just know that prayers are going out from those you haven't ever met. Take care~!
YAY! We're so happy he's home. I don't think there's a stronger person out there who could handle all of this, Jessie. Call when you can!
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