The news, unfortunately, leans more towards the "managed to save his legs" side than the "one fractured heel" side. While Jer does not have any bones broken in his legs (including his ankles) both of his heels were shattered. They are open fractures, which the doctors have gone in several times and cleaned out. He is hooked to a machine that is keeping the swelling down right now, and as soon as they get to Germany (he's not there yet) he'll be undergoing reconstructive surgery. They will probably be putting some plates in and trying to reshape things, and he may have more surgeries down the road for that.
He also has severe lacerations and muscle damage to his legs, especially the left leg. The deep wounds run from the bottoms of his feet up to his calves. The damage to his left leg was pretty severe-- he may need muscle grafts, etc. He's also been immobilized for a possible compression fracture to his spine, which is common in traumatic injuries like this one, and they'll do an MRI when they get to Germany to see whether or not there's been any damage. I think right now that's more a precaution than a suspicion-- we'll just have to see.
We know that the recovery process will be extremely slow and he will probably be in a wheelchair for a long, long time; at least six months to a year if not permanently. I'm so grateful that the damage wasn't more severe and that I'll have my husband back soon. I'm still not sure when he'll be heading back to the states yet, and I'm still not sure whether he'll be heading here or somewhere else. We'll just have to see.
He's in good spirits, though bored and rather lonely. I let him know everyone was thinking about him and he said to tell everyone he's okay and not to worry.
Oh, and I did get official word-- remember that injured soldier in the article I posted earlier who was crawling around slapping tourniquets on other people? Well, the original release was wrong; another uninjured soldier put a tourniquet on the journalist. The injured guy who crawled out and put the tourniquets on the other soldier, though? That was my husband.
Can't say I'm surprised at all.
We are thinking about you guys and praying for the best.
I'm so glad you could talk to him, although it sounds like his injuries are serious. I've thought of you and yours often over the last 24 hours. Y'know, a really cute picture would be Connor wearing his father's purple heart -- if you ever get a shot like that, you should put it on the blog.
I'm so glad he's "ok" and that you were able to talk to him finally. I've been keeping up with the updates and it's relief to read this last bit. You're doing so well, too! I'm amazed by your strength right now.
Thanks so much for the updates, Jessie. It's driving me crazy not being around you guys and knowing how the men are! I'm so happy Jeremy's okay and will be back in the States soon. When I read the article, I immediately figured Jer was the one applying a tourniquet. You're right, I wasn't surprised either. I'm so proud of him. Keep us posted and let me know when there's something I can do to help! Talk to you later.
I'm so glad he's "ok". I believe that, as long as he's sound of mind, everything will work out. Be strong and be happy :-)
I'm thinking about you guys. With God's will everything will be okay. We're still praying you guys.
Coming over from Duck and Wheel with String. My thoughts are with you and your husband. I am glad to read you have talked to him.
I'm sorry that his injuries extend well beyond a stubbed toe, but so happy that your husband is still alive, talking and in reasonably good spirits. You two have a long road, but you're both *so* strong and let's face it: you've been through worse together. You, Jeremy and Connor will get through this.
Also? I knew your husband was one of the heroes. I just KNEW it.
Hi Jessie,
I don't know if you remember me. I was a friend of Gloria's and we met several times at her house. I just wanted you to know that I was praying for all of you and that I am so glad to hear that Jer is doing as well as he is. We are all proud to know he was looking out for the other soldier. You have some very amazing boys in your life!
Thanks for all the updates. I keep checking in.
We're praying for you guys a LOT. I'm so so thankful you got to talk to Jeremy. We'll be praying that the trip to Germany goes well and the surgeries go well.
I'm hoping that you've got people to lean on up there in Puyallup... I wish I could make you dinner or something.
Thanks for the update, what a hero Jeremy is! And so are you, for being so strong through the many, many events in your life that are dfficult, and beautiful and devastating. I admire you for that.
Wow. This is all so intense and sobering. There are many of us, I'm sure, who have absolutely no contact with or knowledge, really, of everything that is going on over there. I'm so sorry to hear of your husband's injuries and grateful that he is "fine" in many other ways. My thoughts and prayers are with you both as you struggle forward -- you're amazing people.
thinking of your family.
I heard about your husband from Lin at Duck and Wheel with String. I'm glad to hear you've talked to him. My thoughts and prayers are with you both!
I am so glad that you finally got to talk to your husband. What a relief that must have been for you.
I am thinking and praying for you all.
Just wanted to let you know that word of Jeremy reached Aggieland and the staff & students at St Mary's are praying for you guys! Thanks for your husband's & your service!
Thank goodness you were able to talk to him. I hope he is able to come home sooner rather than later, though I suppose the surgeries in Germany might keep him there for a little while.
His actions over there prove that he is a real, honest-to-goodness hero. But you already knew that (g).
you don't know me, but i read you at hopeful parents, and am sending prayers and good energy your way....
Praying for Jeremy and your entire family. My BIL is a Marine and heading to Afghanistan in the Spring after already pulling 3 tours in Iraq. Every day they are away is scary for sure. So glad that you got to talk to him :) I am sure that lifted your spirits!!
Wow. I'm sure it was wonderful to talk to him and hear his voice. I can't even imagine how you're feeling. And how proud you must be of the article and his strength.
Hi, I came here from Lin's blog, Duck and Wheel with String. She said you were in need of some love and thoughts and indeed you are! I'm so glad your husband isn't hurt further, as those things go, it's horrific but the better of evils. I wish him a good recovery and I'll check back for updates!
Thanks for the update, but I was hoping for the stubbed toe version too. What great relief you must have felt to speak with him! I'm keeping you in my thoughts.
While that might not be perfect news, sounds like you'll have your hubby, which is really the most important thing.
A conversation with him - priceless.
No less the need for prayer, though, so more on the way.
Here from Duck and A Wheel. Prayers are being sent to your husband. Hope he'll be home soon.
Scratch my last comment.
Your husband is an amazing man. Every soldier is amazing...men, women, children, parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles.
I guess now, the best thing you can do is keep in contact with him, keep him from getting bored (good luck) and move forward one minute at a time. Hang in there!
Oh, goodness, I'm just catching up on your posts. I'm so sorry to hear about your husbands injury. I will be praying for you all.
I can't imagine what you went through while you were waiting for the accurate information! I'm so glad things are okay and he'll be coming home soon. We're keeping all of you in our prayers!
I've only been reading your blog for a month or so, but as someone who has been in the special needs mom trenches for three decades, I want to say how much I admire your courage, spunk, intelligence and generosity. You and your husband are clearly a match for each other--a couple of heroes. I wish him a smooth recovery and hope you can all be together again soon. Conner is lucky to have you both.
You guys are in my thoughts!!!
My name is Betsy and my sister, Megan Wallek Aulbaugh, went to college with your husband. She was in B-Company. She sent me a link to your blog and told me about the hell the military was putting you through. My brother is in the Marine corps and I can't imagine what it would be like to have such little information. I'm happy to hear that you've heard from him and I am sending tons of prayers to both you and him. Your husband sounds like a very brave man. I got quite choked up when I read about him crawling around helping those injured soldiers. There's a lot of prayer going your way!
I am a new visitor to your blog. I came via the Hopeful Parents website. What a lovely little son you have and I will be praying that you get to see your man again very soon!
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