Friday, October 8, 2010

In Which We Are Still At The Hospital

Connor had a bit of a rough night last night; his oxygen levels kept dipping and he was pretty congested.  He'd wake himself up with the congestion and be really, really sad, which would cause his heart rate to shoot up.  That would set off all his alarms, which would make the nurse run in, which would make him even sadder-- you get the picture.  Apparently Jeremy didn't get a whole heck of a lot of sleep last night. 

He seemed to perk up a bit today, though-- he actually spent about six or seven hours awake at one time, which is certainly more than he's spent in the last two days.  And he was able to get through listening to a whole book read to him without falling asleep, which is certainly more energetic than he's been.  That's a good sign.  The neurologists have begun weaning him down off the Ativan; he's at one dose every twelve hours now.

However, he started spiking a fever again this afternoon, and that combined with the continuing issues of oxygen saturation mean that we're spending another night in the hospital.  We'll see how things go tomorrow; if he can really hold his own, stop desatting and stop spiking a fever maybe we'll be able to make it home. 

We'll just have to see!


Jennifer said...

Get better, Connor!

xraevision said...

Aw, poor Connor. It's so hard to get that much needed rest when you're congested. I hope things turn around soon and you're all feeling better.

isabelkhan said...
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isabelkhan said...

Praying that Connor gets better and returns home soon. Hugs.

Colleen said...

I'm so sorry your little guy is in the hospital. I will keep him in my prayers!

Chloes Mom Mary said...

Hope Connor is doing well enough to get home soon. Hugs and prayers

krlr said...

Am thinking of you guys. Wishing a swift recovery.

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