Friday, August 19, 2011

In Which We Visit The Hospital Again

Guess where we spent the day?

Yep-- it was back to the hospital for us.  Connor started seizing at a little after nine in the morning, and over the course of the day he had eight seizures while on Ativan.  So after seizure number five I took him back to the emergency room.  I wasn't really comfortable with the whole one-seizure-an-hour thing. 

So we spent most of the day there while Connor's neurologist figured out a game plan for us.  Connor is starting on a new medication called Zonegran, and he's coming completely off his valproic acid.  We'll see what these changes do for him over the next few days. 

And that's about all the energy I have for blogging.  But we're home now, so that's good!  I'd like to stay there for a while.  Please.



jm2jmm said...

breathing for you, sister, along w Connor & Jeremey. <3 much love/good wishes

leah said...

I'm glad the hospital stay was short - sending lots of thoughts and prayers that the new med works for Connor!!

Julia said...

Not the post I wanted to read. (Not blaming you, of course!) I'll be very anxious to see how the new med works out. Take care. Eat chocolate.

Julia O'C said...

Oh, no! We were traveling and I missed all of this! Ugh! Poor little guy (and parents)!

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