Tuesday, August 21, 2012

In Which We Don't Have Air Conditioning But The Day Was Pretty Great Anyway

Today was supposed to be the day we got our air conditioner put in, but one of the parts that the guy needed to install didn't come in time.  So we rescheduled for Thursday.  Luckily the rest of the week should be mild, so we're still okay as far as beating the heat until then.

So since we didn't need to stick around all day we took a trip up to the botanical gardens.  Normally the gardens are very peaceful (other than the distant sound of traffic, as the highway isn't too far away) but today the tree trimmers were there limbing trees, so things were quite a bit more noisy.  The trees they were working on were extremely tall, so it was interesting to watch the guys hauling themselves up and moving around the trees using nothing but rope harnesses and caribiners.  They'd also cut down a few trees, and every twenty minutes or so we had to move off the pathway so one of the gardeners could haul a huge stump by on his way to the back of the property.  Connor thought it was all pretty great.

We spent the rest of the day at home.  Joanna came over this evening; I decided to use some of my birthday money to get a massage, and Mary wanted to try having one too.  Since I haven't been doing roller derby and we haven't had respite care, stress has made my muscles pretty sore.  Jo pounded on me for a while (I was really, really tight) and now I can actually bend over again without my back feeling like it's going to give out at any minute!  If I could afford it I would totally get a massage every week.  Massages are awesome.

Anyway, we're getting up pretty early tomorrow, so I'm off to bed!


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