Sunday, June 17, 2012

In Which We Have A Good Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to all you awesome dads out there! 

Jer had a nice, quiet Father's Day, which is what he asked for.  He slept in, I brought him some breakfast and coffee, and then most of the day was spent lounging around.  This was good, because I was seriously sore after last night's bout.  I swear I managed to bounce every part of my body off the floor at least once-- at least that's what it feels like!  So it was nice that Jer wanted to have a quiet day anyway.  Connor thoroughly enjoyed his daddy time-- I'm lucky to have married such a great guy. 

Connor had one seizure today; he's been a bit congested so we're wondering if he's starting to get sick.  We'll keep a close eye on him and see how he's feeling tomorrow.  I'd hate for him to miss his last day of school, so hopefully he'll be doing better in the morning.  He's been grinding his teeth like crazy, so Jer picked him up a small mouth guard today.  It took Connor all of two minutes to figure out how to get that thing out of his mouth, so I don't know that it will do us a whole lot of good.  So I'll probably be calling up the little guy's dentist next week and we'll see about going in and getting something that's custom fit for him.  Oh boy!


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